9 Helpful Habits To Help You Find Your Self Worth

To find self-worth, you must remember that no matter how many difficult challenges you may face, your self-worth and value will remain the same.

Though you feel you’ve been beaten, oppressed, or degraded, your self-worth and value can and will only continue to grow and flourish.

That said, some helpful tips remind yourself of your worth again.

Here are nine of my favorite tips and habits to help me find self-worth that has worked for me.

To find self-worth, you must remember that no matter how many difficult challenges you may face,

your self-worth and value will remain the same. To see your self-worth means living on your terms and giving yourself the same respect, dignity,

and understanding you want from others. Everyone has times when they find it hard to believe in themselves and have endured pain throughout their lives.

Though you feel you’ve been beaten, oppressed, or degraded,

your self-worth and value can and will only continue to grow and flourish. (source)

If you are interested in better understanding self-worth and why it is essential, continue reading. 9 Beneficial Reasons Why Self-Worth Is Important

If you are interested in checking out the best books to help you discover and improve your self-worth, you can find them by clicking here. Amazon.com -paid link

Trust In Who You Are

Trusting yourself can help you find self-worth and make it easier to make decisions, and reduce your stress levels.

Sometimes we lose our trust after making a mistake, or someone criticizes us.

It can feel more challenging to make decisions when you can’t trust yourself because you fear you’ll make the wrong choice.

But you must remember to trust yourself and look after your needs and safety.

As there is no one you can trust more than yourself after experiencing a setback, Trust yourself enough to hold onto your values and make confident decisions.

Don’t allow anyone’s opinions or thoughts about you to control you or force you to create a life you don’t want to live,

only to gain their approval and friendship. To find your self-worth, you must not allow anyone, even yourself,

to violate your boundaries and honor your principles. That said, there are some helpful tips you can use to help yourself find your self worth

  • Awareness of your thoughts and feelings
  • Expressing yourself openly and honestly
  • Sticking to personal standards, ethics, and core values
  • Knowing when you need to take care of yourself first
  • Confidence that you can get through difficult times
  • Pursuing your dreams without letting others stop you

Don’t Allow Others To Influence Who You Are

Don’t allow others to define you or your self-worth. Trust in yourself and just be you.

You don’t need to depend on others’ approval or likes on social media.

Don’t allow anyone to have any power over you or any negative influence over your life holding you back.

Instead, set sensible limits with those around you. You can discover your value and self-worth by having faith in who you are and letting go of the need for attention.

Do things for yourself and not prove yourself to other people.

Perhaps you allow the harsh words of a loved one to harm your well-being seriously.

Giving away your power saps your ability to think clearly and perform at your highest level in either case.

Many other habits can help you avoid being influenced by others. such as 22 Ways To Develop Emotional Resiliency

If you want to love yourself in all of your unique qualities and build yourself,

take a look at this helpful guide: Importance Of Embracing Your Unique Qualities

Love Yourself

Finding your self-worth can be accomplished by taking good care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs.

No matter what obstacles you face, love yourself in every step of your journey.

When you focus on self-love and compassion rather than trying to get others to love you, you build your self-worth and confidence,

breaking that codependent pattern so you can form healthier, happier relationships. We’ve all been there when you feel like you aren’t good enough or that your life is a huge disappointment.

Finding the time and energy to love yourself can be challenging when things become too much to handle.

But you must learn to stop doubting yourself and comparing yourself to others’ accomplishments.

And stop subjecting ourselves to harsh self-talk, unhealthy relationships, and harmful substances.

Because your progress toward becoming your best self will only be slowed by this. as many fear. Loving yourself isn’t selfish.

Not only does it improve your relationship with yourself, but it shows others how to love you.

Self-worth is just commitment, perseverance, and acceptance of yourself.

Steps You Can Take To Build Yourself Up Easily in 2022

Check out this article if you want to If you are having trouble loving yourself, learn more about self-development.

Set Boundaries

Setting solid boundaries will allow you to attract genuine relationships, friends, opportunities, and time for yourself.

Building and maintaining good relationships for yourself requires knowing how to set personal boundaries.

People with solid boundaries tend to have lower stress levels and higher self-esteem because they prioritize their well-being. Good boundaries free you to live life on your terms.

By not setting boundaries, you are taken advantage of by people who do not respect you.

Lower self-confidence, a sense of purpose, or a clear identity to guide them through life.

Suppose you’re tired of living your life for other people or find yourself exhausted by all the commitments you’ve made to others.

In that case, it’s time to set some boundaries and reclaim the power of your time, energy, and mental well-being.

Time Boundary

Alone time is healthy and key to maintaining your identity and sorting through your problems.

If you aren’t clear about needing space, your partner might feel neglected, or you’re avoiding them.

Establish upfront that you like to spend time alone.

For example, “I can only stay for an hour” or “If you’re going to be late, please let me know ahead of time.”

Energy Boundary

Learning to express your discomfort in simple terms will assist you in establishing your limits,

whether someone crosses an emotional or physical line or makes a nasty joke.

Let them know what you won’t tolerate, and plan a course of action if they cross that boundary.

For example, “I don’t have the energy to help you with [their request] right now, but maybe some other time.”

Personal Space Boundary

Saying No: It’s acceptable to refuse an invitation to do anything that violates your morals, values,

or time or that would require you to give up something significant. It doesn’t have to be harsh, but learn to say it assertively.

For example, if it makes me uncomfortable when you [touch or action], I’ll have to leave if you can’t respect my space. “

Mental Boundary

You deserve kindness and loving communication. If you feel someone is speaking in anger or with a disrespectful tone, you are within your right to remove yourself from the situation.

Let others know that if they want to have a conversation, it must come from a place of respect.

For example, “I understand we see things differently, and I respect your opinion, but please don’t force it on me.”

15 Ways To Improve And Develop A Great Mindset; check out this article to see some of the components that will help you develop a mindset to help you set mental boundaries.

Material Boundary

“Please ask me first before borrowing my [possession]” or “I would appreciate it if you didn’t touch my [material thing].”

Examples Of Personal Boundaries And How To Build Them will greatly assist you in establishing the necessary boundaries

Create Positive Surroundings

Surrounding yourself with supportive, positive, and like-minded people that will encourage you to persevere can allow you to find your self-worth.

Hanging out with miserable, unhappy people will weigh you down, taking your focus away from becoming a better you.

To enable you to thrive truly, you must improve your physical and mental health. It can be challenging to maintain a positive outlook.

Negative interactions with the outside world and negative people and places can easily lead to a negative mindset.

There are many more benefits and ways to create positive surroundings in this article –

Advantages Of Being Surrounded By Positive, Like Minded People – that I encourage you to read.

Eating Healthy

You feel healthier, stronger, and more energized when you feed your body nutritious foods,

which can also make you feel better about yourself. Fueling our bodies with the nutrients they need shows how much we value our bodies, and this act of self-love alone can raise self-esteem.

Clean eating can reduce brain distress resulting from eating too many unhealthy foods.

Some foods help to increase the body’s levels of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters (chemical signals) that are important for mental health.

Dopamine helps with focus and attention, while serotonin helps with feelings of well-being. Other foods contain tryptophan,

an amino acid that helps with mood and encourages healthy sleep, and GABA, a substance that reduces anxiety.

That said, I researched to create a list of mood-boosting foods to look for that can help you build self-worth.

  • Antioxidant-Rich Foods
  • Calcium
  • Iron-Rich Foods
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Selenium
  • Tryptophan
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin D


Meditation can help boost self-worth in several ways. It enables you to recognize and accept your values;

talk to yourself kindly; work through problems; make decisions, and achieve your goals.

Meditation also teaches you to stop negative self-talk and disconnect from unhelpful mental chatter that interferes with your confidence.

People who frequently meditate have found that meditation can help them build confidence at work and home.

You will gain a better understanding of your abilities and limitations, as well as become calmer and more focused.

Being still and observing ourselves, we start discovering how valuable we are.

Learning to meditate is accomplished by developing habits that aid in gratitude practice. If you wish to learn more about this, read this article. 12 Ways To Practice Gratitude For You

Forgive Yourself

Learning to forgive yourself can be challenging when you acknowledge negative thoughts and move on.

Remember that the more you forgive yourself, the easier it becomes.

Find your self-worth by forgiving yourself for any past mistakes you may hold against yourself.

In doing this, you acknowledge the distress you faced and accept what has happened in the past to move forward.

Accepting the behavior and what has happened to you will help you be willing to move on.

Acknowledge Your Mistake

It is essential to acknowledge your mistakes so you can move on and find healing.

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Identifying your negative self-talk and learning to forgive yourself can help you overcome the harm that negative thinking can cause.

When you learn to focus on positive self-talk instead of criticism, you’ll grow in self-worth, confidence, and self-respect.

Build Positive Habits

Building positive habits to forgive yourself, such as practicing positive self-talk, is a healthy habit that gets easier with practice and improves your overall well-being.

Research shows that many people find that writing their thoughts on paper and discarding the paper afterward can be gratifying.

Try burying or burning it; just be safe. A visual image of your negative thoughts getting thrown away can be a beautiful symbol to help you move on and learn to forgive yourself.

List Of Good Habits Across Different Aspects Of Life will help you find the proper habits to suit your needs.

Take Care Of Yourself

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is a great confidence booster.

Exercise, a healthy diet, meditation, and enough rest will help you feel refreshed and mentally prepared to take on the challenge ahead.

Take care of your hygiene as frequently as possible and clean your environment.

Doing little things that make you happy is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem and general mood.

There should be no excuse for not showing yourself a little love from time to time. Or Eating healthy food is a great way to treat yourself.

The brain responds to what you eat and drink. Essential vitamins, minerals,

and nutrients are necessary for the brain to reduce the risk of mental health issues like depression. But overall, it will help boost your mood.

Here’s a resource to help you get started 11 Best Ways To Help You Start A Self-Care Routine.


1-Wegscheider-Cruse, Sharon. Learning to love yourself: Finding your self-worth. Health Communications, Inc., 2012.

2-Darling, Gala. Radical self-love: A guide to loving yourself and living your dreams. Hay House, Inc, 2016.

3- Hazleden, Rebecca. “Love yourself: The relationship of the self with itself in popular self-help texts.” Journal of Sociology 39.4 (2003): 413-428.

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